Fix search Field

Stumbled to a funny Firefox bug, causing a symptom where the search field of particular search engine gets very, very narrow.

Way too short search field

Temporary fix can be done via Firebug:

<div class="gb_f gb_rb" style="min-width:600px">

The style of minimum width fixes it when getting annoyed enough. Permanent personal fix is to touch browser’s style sheet as instructed here.  So, create userContent.css  to folder : %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\XYZXYZ.default\chrome

@-moz-document domain({.gb_sb .gb_rb{flex-basis: main-size!important;}}
@-moz-document domain({.gb_sb .gb_rb{flex-basis: main-size!important;}}
@-moz-document domain({.gb_sb .gb_rb{flex-basis: main-size!important;}}
@-moz-document domain({.gb_sb .gb_rb{flex-basis: main-size!important;}}
@-moz-document domain({.gb_sb .gb_rb{flex-basis: main-size!important;}}

Note the last line! If you use local versions of google services, then you need to add local variants to the style-sheets to get fixes in all of them…

So, there’s always a workaround, but it just takes a bit of effort to find it. Or patience while waiting for the real and official fix. Also learnt that WP’s code editing block works, but swapping btw new fancy editor, and classic’s Text & Visual had some challenges in retaining the formatting.

Currently listening: , quite “graphic” lyrics when U start to really listen to them, but nice flowing tune.